If a breathing technique & another calming podcast was working, then you wouldn’t be screaming at your kids several times a week.

Are you experiencing this…

Always impatient, constantly triggered by your kids and lashing out in explosive out-of-control anger. Screaming, yelling, rage. Your anger is ruining your relationship with your loved ones.

Consumed by negative self talk, mom guilt, shame and telling yourself you are not meant to be a mom. Feeling unfixable and broken. Crying yourself to sleep & feeling so terrible for being mean to your kids.

Feeling like you never have time for yourself. Everyone else needs a piece of you. You just want a break from motherhood. Thinking your family might be better off without you.

Your negative thoughts are controlling your emotions and actions. Bitter, resentful, defeated. You feel hopeless.

You need more help but you feel so bad asking for it because ‘you should be able to do it all’. You are burnt out and running on fumes.

Are you ready to shift from easily angered and chronically stressed to becoming a calm and patient mama?

  • You start your day feeling peaceful, grounded and present

  • You go through your day with a sense of calm

  • You know how to calm down without having an emotional explosion on your family

  • You could easily ask for help without any guilt

  • You have positive mindset and know how to take your thoughts captive

  • You go to bed feeling relaxed and confident that your kids like you and that you are the best mom for your kids

  • You had daily ‘me time’ to recharge and restore without feeling any guilt

  • You felt empowered and IN CONTROL of your own emotions and able to handle hard situation in a God honoring way.

Imagine this…

This is exactly why I created Calm Christian Mom Program!

The transformation you will get...

Know exactly what is contributing to your triggers and how to manage them.

You will be able to prioritize your needs guilt FREE and set healthy boundaries to protect your energy.

You will have the tools and skill to process emotions in a healthy way and be IN control of your anger in triggering moments.

You will model emotional stability and regulation to your children, therefore change their lives.

You will have an overall sense of peace and calm and an increased window of tolerance when things are not going your way.

How it works:

Book a Consultation Call with me to see if we are a fit to work together.

I need to know your history a bit and be confident I can support you in this journey!


Show up for your 1:1 & weekly Group Coaching Calls.

You also get direct access to Elizabeth M-F via Voxer messaging app, where you get 1:1 help that you need.


Get immediate access to recorded video trainings, dripped weekly.

You get weekly lessons posted to your account using the provided pdf and video module material.


You implement, take action and reach your goals.

Your life changes and are able to model Christ to your children through your words and actions. Yes it’s possible for you!


Immediate access to pre-recorded video trainings and PDF worksheets dripped weekly

Weekly 60-90min Q&A Group Coaching Sessions

3 Individual 1:1 Coaching Calls

12 week M-F Voxer Access for Accountability, Support and Individual Questions

*BONUS: Onboarding Mailed Stress Relief Package + Graduation gift

*BONUS: 90 day Check-in Call

What is included:

The Process:

Identifying the root causes of your anger and triggers.

  • Understanding what happens in your brain when you have emotions

  • Being aware of your triggers & proactively lowering stress levels


Implementing proactive support to minimize controllable stressors.

  • Proactive regulation of the nervous system to increase tolerance levels

Developing healthy emotional processing strategies and anger management tools.

  • Processing and releasing negative emotions in healthy ways

  • Remaining calm in triggering moment instead of reacting in anger

  • Remaining calm and regulated when your kids have big emotions



Shifting mindset from negative thoughts to empowering perspective.

  • Taking thoughts captive: Shifting from negative to empowering thoughts

  • Overcome mom guilt, negative self talk and shame


This IS for you if…

  • You’ve read books and listened to podcasts on controlling mom anger but none of it has worked

  • You ever purchased a program and did not take action or implement because you were too overwhelmed to do it

  • You want to have a safe and loving relationship with your kids and model Christ and emotional stability to them

  • You’ve prayed for your anger to go away…but it’s still there

This is NOT for you if…

  • You are not ready to become the mom you desire to be

  • You are not willing to do the uncomfortable inner work

  • You want to continue to remain in negative mentality and allow things to remain the same

  • You are not ready to commit by investing the time and energy required to see change.

  • You feel happy what the next 5 years will look like if you continue on this path doing what you’ve been doing.

Coaching Investment







100% Money Back Guarantee!


If you put in your honest efforts and my coaching didn’t serve you and you don’t see results or feel better as a mom, I will give you a full refund!

That's right, you have nothing to lose! Honest efforts include: Watch all the weekly training, show up to weekly live coaching calls, submit weekly homework reflection questions, implement what I teach you, check in with me 3x a week via Voxer and if you don’t reach the goals YOU set for yourself in the beginning of Calm Christian Mom, I will refund you your FULL investment!

When you work with me, you will get ongoing Support, Guidance

And Personalized Answers To Your Questions.

You will never get that support from a free Facebook group, audiobook or a podcast.

You know what?

I was that mom!

I used wake up reacting to my days, feeling agitated from the moment I got up. I would easily lose my cool with my kids and feel like they are ‘making me angry all the time’. If ONLY they would listen to me, I wouldn’t have a problem with feeling impatient.

I felt like no matter how hard I tried to be ‘calm and patient’ my kids would make me mad and I would end up yelling and reacting.

After I had my 3rd boy I went to counseling and invested into coaching programs that taught me the tools and skills I needed to transform my mindset and my behavior.

As a Christian I truly believe that inviting God into your motherhood crucial to make sustainable changes! Once I did that, my life completely changed!

A year from now you will have wished you began your support journey today.

Amber Stewart

“When I started the program I was in a place of frustration and negative self talk every day. I was reacting from emotions and not showing up as I wanted to as a mom and felt stuck on this cycle.

The coaching has been so life giving at a time where I needed encouragement the most. The best part was accountability. We all know that change doesn't really come without accountability. I highly recommend her program, the tools that I've learned, the insights, the things that I've been putting into practice have helped me so much be the mom that I want to be for my homeschooling son”.

Taylor Axthelm

When I joined Calm Christian Mom I was constantly angry, overwhelmed, shameful, tired, triggered and out-of-control.

Once I started the Program, I started to notice changes day 1 — honestly! Elizabeth checked in, kept me accountable, and accepted the parts about me that not a lot of people knew about.

She equipped me with tools to respond calmer to my kids. I now feel more confident as a mom, better equipped to handle big emotions, and my patience and capacity has grown.

I show up in a completely different way than I used to when I started the program.

(Stay at home-working mom of 2)

Brandi Southerland

When I started Calm Christian Mom Coaching program, I felt that I was at rock bottom. I was so bitter and angry towards my family. It had become a cycle and I felt I was pushing my family away. I was lost and needed help to find the mom that I once was and longed to be.

My family started noticing positive changes within me and our household after a month. It was like a light switch for me- one day all of the things that I had been working on started to make sense. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

Before starting the program, I would lose my cool with my son at lest 4-5 times a week and it was bad. I would say some of the most hurtful things. Now, I rarely lose my cool. I cant remember the last time.

My relationships have improved greatly. Our house seems so much more peaceful, fun and happy. There is no tension there anymore. We have grown as a family and I am so thankful.

I feel like a great mom now- even when I feel exhausted or even frustrated, I have the tools that I need to be able to remain calm and a loving mom/wife. I feel like a much happier person all together.

Brittany Hooten

“Before this Calm Christian Mom Program I was loud, reactive, stressed out, overwhelmed mom. Today I am a calmer, more responsive mom; who is way better at communicating where I am at and what I need with my family. This is just the beginning in my battle against generational anger… but it is a fantastic beginning and I'm so glad that I said yes to this program!!!”.

Learn the skills and the tools that you need to become an emotionally healthy mom and apply them for a lifetime!

You will naturally pass this on to your children too! You are their biggest influence!

It’s time to become an emotionally healthy mom for your kids.

"Nothing is going to change if nothing changes"

You matter to your family.

You are valuable.

You are irreplaceable!

You are worth the investment and feeling supported.

You are the most impactful influence in your family AND worth investing in so you can lead a new example that models emotional stability to your children.

You children DO deserve a mama who is happy and is enjoying her life!


  • Let me ask you this first: What’s the cost of NOT investing? Your mental, emotional, physical wellbeing? Destroyed relationships with your loved ones?

    This program is an investment in YOU! You are irreplaceable and the most important person in your children’s life.

    Investing in yourself IS investing into your kids because you are their biggest influence!

    Price is $3,997. It is exactly the price I have found that is needed for moms to be fully invested and do the work.

    If you're truly seeking significant mindset shifts, breaking old patterns, and experiencing a genuine transformation in your life, it's essential to invest your time, money, and energy.

    I'm available to assist you throughout the week, dedicating a significant amount of time to help you overcome mindset blocks that are holding you back.

    When you pay more, you have skin in the game and you are a lot more likely to commit and do the work required.

    Some moms put family vacations and home remodeling on hold, sell things they don’t use and for a season say no to sports/activities in order to invest in support they need.

    Consider using a credit card, requesting your spouse, parents, or loved ones to support your coaching investment as a thoughtful birthday, mothers day or Christmas gift. Their contribution can help you prioritize your personal growth and well-being, enabling you and your family to benefit from this valuable coaching experience.

  • You are on this page because you are struggling and have not done it by yourself. Being a mom is the hardest job in the world. Support is crucial!

    Knowing what to do and actually doing what you know is two different things! You see changes when you IMPLEMENT and take action!

    Friend, professional athletes have coaches, business leaders have coaches and mentors. Why? Because their jobs are considered valuable to the society.

    Raising the next generation is the most valuable job out there! You have the biggest impact in your children’s life. They will learn so much from you.

    If you are constantly struggling and reacting to life, how can you support them?

    You are worthy of support my friend. You are irreplaceable to your family!

  • I have a 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!

    If you put in honest efforts: you do everything you're asked to do, watch the weekly recorded trainings, show up for weekly live calls, submit your homework on time, and check in with me regularly you, I promise you will experience positive changes in how you feel and how you show up as a mom.

    If you don’t, I will refund you the full investment. Refunds must be requested before the last day of the coaching container.

    I make this guarantee because I’m that sure I can help you!

  • I get it. It is scary to make such a big commitment with a big investment.

    Your mind wants to keep you safe and doing something unfamiliar is a threat to your mind. It has 9x more negative thoughts and wants to avoid failure and anything unfamiliar.

    Instead of negative perspective, ask yourself:

    1. What if this DOES work and it changes my life in the best possible way?

    2. What if I get results that are so amazing that are beyond my expectations?

    3. How can I come up with the money?

    Also, remember you have 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!

  • Time commitment is 30 min a day + weekly 60-90 min coaching calls. You have the time for things that matter to you and that you find important.

    This is a lifestyle change. You will be letting go of things that don’t serve you in order to make time for what matters.

    Look at where are you wasting time in your day? (*Social media)

  • This is your life. You get to do this ONCE. This commitment is only 12 weeks out of your life.

    I offer attention, accountability and customized support. We have weekly group calls and regular check-ins during the week via Voxer. I create a supportive space for you to be able to succeed.

    You didn’t get here overnight and it does take time to change your ways of thinking and your lifestyle.

    What would it feel like to be supported every step of the way on your journey?

  • We will meet weekly for group calls via Zoom for 60-90 and each discussion and coaching session will vary depending on your specific needs right then.

    In each call, I teach you mindset shifts and tools you need to support yourself and take action.

    I will check in with you multiple times a week via Voxer to keep you accountable and offer further support.

  • I grew up in a Baptist upbringing. I attend a non-denominational church in North Florida. You can find my statement of faith HERE.

    I believe God is using me as a tool to support moms on their journey. Glory to God!

change your motherhood with

Calm Christian mom

coaching program