change your motherhood with

Calm Christian mom

coaching program

Taylor Axthelm

When I joined Calm Christian Mom I was constantly angry, overwhelmed, shameful, tired, triggered and out-of-control.

Once I started the Program, I started to notice changes day 1 — honestly! Elizabeth checked in, kept me accountable, and accepted the parts about me that not a lot of people knew about.

She equipped me with tools to respond calmer to my kids. I now feel more confident as a mom, better equipped to handle big emotions, and my patience and capacity has grown.

I show up in a completely different way than I used to when I started the program.

(Stay at home-working mom of 2)

Leah Williams

“I loved my time with Elizabeth and this program! I was so lost in my anger when I joined the coaching program. I was really spinning my wheels trying to figure out how to have a good relationship with my kids. I gained big mindset shifts about my kids and myself as their mom. I realized that I am a good mom who is doing my best to show up as the mom I know God wants me to be”.

Amber Stewart

“When I started the program I was in a place of frustration and negative self talk every day. I was reacting from emotions and not showing up as I wanted to as a mom and felt stuck on this cycle.

The coaching has been so life giving at a time where I needed encouragement the most. The best part was accountability. We all know that change doesn't really come without accountability. I highly recommend her program, the tools that I've learned, the insights, the things that I've been putting into practice have helped me so much be the mom that I want to be for my homeschooling son”.

Brittany Hooten

“Before this Calm Christian Mom Program I was loud, reactive, stressed out, overwhelmed mom. Today I am a calmer, more responsive mom; who is way better at communicating where I am at and what I need with my family. This is just the beginning in my battle against generational anger… but it is a fantastic beginning and I'm so glad that I said yes to this program!!!”.

Lindsey DeJarlais

When I first started this program, I felt like I was never going to get over this hump of discouragement and overwhelm that I felt daily as a mom.

I started noticing changes in my stress level within the first 2 weeks of coaching. My workload and circumstances had not changed but I just felt more calm, I knew that things were going to be ok. I was starting to have peace.

I quickly implemented coping mechanisms for myself, while learning the processes to correct my behavior and mend our family relationships.

Today I am confident that I am the mom I was called to be.

(Homeschooling mom of 8)

Lara I.

As a single Mom of two young and very active boys, I found Elizabeth's program when I was deep in remorse and helplessness.

She has helped me become aware of old patterns and I can reset using calming techniques, mindset swaps. Now I can pause and wait instead of reacting. God has given me all I need in Him to be  a godly Mom and share an emotionally healthy legacy with these amazing boys.

This program encouraged me, taught me and helped break down reactive and unhealthy reactions. Now I believe that although my upbringing didn't model healthy emotional coping methods, I can do all things through Christ and the power He offers me each moment in my parenting. I would highly recommend any Mom who believes it's too late or that the damage is already done, that you press in and join the Calm Christian Mom coaching program.

  • Brandi Southerland

    When I started Calm Christian Mom Coaching program, I felt that I was at rock bottom. I was so bitter and angry towards my family. It had become a cycle and I felt I was pushing my family away. I was lost and needed help to find the mom that I once was and longed to be.

    My family started noticing positive changes within me and our household after a month, maybe a little longer. It was like a light switch for me- one day all of the things that I had been working on started to make sense. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

    Before starting the program, I would lose my cool with my son at lest 4-5 times a week and it was bad. I would say some of the most hurtful things. Now, I rarely lose my cool. I cant remember the last time.

    My relationships have improved greatly. Our house seems so much more peaceful, fun and happy. There is no tension there anymore. We have grown as a family and I am so thankful.

    My husband has even started journaling because he noticed how much it has helped me.

    I feel like a great mom now- even when I feel exhausted or even frustrated, I have the tools that I need to be able to remain calm and a loving mom/wife. I feel like a much happier person all together.

  • C. H.

    I felt positive changes with-in a couple weeks!

    Before starting the program, I felt hopeless in my anger and felt like a failure of a parent. I was getting overly angry with my kids a couple times each week and was in a constant cycle of overreacting, fuming about it, finally acknowledging my overreaction, and then apologizing to my spouse and kids. It was getting to the point where my apologies were meaning less and less each time. I knew that I needed to change but simply did not have the tools to know how, despite trying my best each time. At its worst, right before starting the program, I had a sinking feeling in my heart that if my sinful outbursts continued at this frequency and intensity, it would eventually lead to broken hearts, shattered lives, divorce, and a rejoicing enemy.

    After starting the program, I felt positive changes within a couple weeks. Those early lessons were foundational, and I still remind myself of them often. Elizabeth was understanding and encouraging throughout all our calls and had custom strategies and mindset shifts for each of my struggles. As of today, it has been over 3 weeks since my last overreaction and the intensity of that overreaction had diminished significantly as well.

    God, using Elizabeth, has grown me to become a more rooted, tender, light-hearted, patient, gracious, and compassionate parent. I can genuinely look back on many of my responses to my children and be proud of how I handled things. There is still so much more room for growth, and I am now filled with hope for all that God will continue to do in me and in my family.

  • Megan Jorgensen

    I am 100% happy with the investment. Your program has truly been a blessing and God knew I needed this.

    The prayers and God’s presence really help bring peace and the burden of shame to the light. I felt so alone in my struggle and the support Elizabeth provides is wonderful!!

  • J. L.

    Before starting the program, I was feeling stuck in the ways I was parenting and not showing up to be the mom I wanted to be. While I still have a lot of work to do in breaking negative patterns and thoughts, I now feel empowered knowing I have the tools and information to shift my thoughts and respond more positively.

    (Homeschooling mom of 3)