Tuesday April 25, 2023 12:30 ET

Do you find yourself thinking….

I'm the worst mom in the world...

My kids deserve a better mom...

I shouldn't be a mom...

I feel like such a failure at the most important job...

I'm not cut out for this...

My kids will grow up to hate me...

Whats wrong with me?...

I know better, I should do better...

Mom Guilt can suck the life out of you. It leads to anxiety, depression, burnout, and being emotionally unavailable for your kids.

During this training we will cover:

  • What is mom guilt and how does it feel?

  • What’s the root of mom guilt and how to identify it

  • Bad guilt vs conviction guilt

  • With God’s help, how to stop ripping yourself apart with negative thoughts and prevent the shame spiral

  • How to create new thinking patterns and take your thoughts captive

  • What positive changes you can make moving forward to reduce mom rage

Imagine ending your days without mom guilt and feeling confident that you are the best mom for your kids!


Training will last 60 min via Zoom. Replay available. Workbook will be emailed 1 week before the class.

It will TRANSFORM the way you handle mom guilt and shame.